Az-Tech Software EverKey Product Support    

EverKey Support FAQ

Here are the answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions about EverKey.  Use the links on the right side of this page to jump to the area that seems most likely to answer your question.  If you don't find the answer there, try using your browser's "find text" facility (usually Ctrl-F) to search for key words about your question. 

If nothing on this page answers your question, you can submit a Support Email Form by clicking the link on the right side of this page.  Please fill out the form as completely as possible.  The more information we have about the problem, the faster we can solve it.  We will respond as quickly as possible, usually within one business day. 

EverKey FAQ Index
Questions About Installing EverKey

How do I setup my protected programs to run on Windows XP-SP2 thru Windows 8.1?

How do I install the EverKey Rockey4 Device Drivers?

General Questions About EverKey

Can one Key be used to protect more than one Product for the same Customer?

Can updates to a protected Product be placed on a web site for Customers to download?

Can EverKey be used to protect data?

Questions About EverKey Compatibility

Is EverKey compatible with all major versions of Windows?

Can my Windows Product be used on a Mac running Windows?

How do I run Kecodes Version 2 on Windows 7?

Does EverKey support the Mac OS X or Linux operating systems?

Does EverKey interfere with hardware plugged into other computer ports?

Questions About the Security of EverKey

What stops a Customer from starting the protected Product, then moving the Key to another computer?

What prevents another EverKey User from making Keys for your Product?

How do I prevent 2 or more computers from using a port-sharing device to "share" a single Key?

Questions About EverKey Hardware

Can My Existing Product use the Driverless Rockey4ND Keys?

Can I connect my Rockeys via a USB Hub?

What is the lifetime of an EverKey Rockey Key?

Questions About EverKey Error Messages

Why Does KeyShow report a Key Status of Error 6021?

What is Error 6043?

When using Renew, what is Error 6075?

What is Renew Error 6076?

Questions About Installing EverKey

How do I setup my protected programs to run on Windows XP-SP2 thru Windows 8.1?

Here's how to make sure that your Customers have NO PROBLEMS installing and running your protected programs on Windows XP-SP2 thru Windows 8.1.

A typical Product protected by EverKey contains the programs KeyChk.dll and Renew.exe.  You might also include the KeyShow.exe program because it's an easy-to-use Diagnostic tool.  The latest versions of these programs are fully compatible with all 32-bit and 64-bit Editions of Windows XP-SP2 thru Windows 8.1.

EverKey Programs Used By Your Protected Product

Be sure that your Product CD/DVD or Download Image contains the latest versions of the following EverKey programs:

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How do I install the EverKey Rockey4 Device Drivers?

If you are using Rockey4 Keys, you must first install the Rockey4 Device Drivers before the EverKey programs can access the Keys. 

The Driverless Rockey4ND Keys do NOT require you to install any Device Drivers. 

The easiest way to install all the correct Rockey4 Device Drivers for the supported versions of Windows is to use the Rockey4.exe program.  This program performs "single-click" installation and you may redistribute it with your software Products.  Get the latest version of the Rockey4 program here.

If you use this program to install the Device Drivers while the Rockey4 is plugged into a USB port, the Rockey4 may not be accessable until 1) it's re-inserted, or 2) Windows has been restarted. 

You can do a "Silent Install" by using a command-line parameter of "/S", e.g. "rockey4.exe /S".  Of course, this could be done from a parent program, batch file or script.  During a Silent Install, all prompts and dialogs are not displayed unless a catastrophic error is encountered.

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General Questions About EverKey

Can one Key be used to protect more than one Product for the same Customer?

Yes, each Key can be used to protect up to 16 separate Products for the same Customer.

Each Key has a 16-byte memory area called User-Data which can be used as needed.  The last 2 bytes of this area consist of 16 individual bits called User-Flags.  These User-Flags are originally turned OFF (set to zero), but can be remotely turned ON (set to one) with our Renew program.

Let's assume that you have 3 Products.  You could assign the 1st Product to User-Flag #1, the 2nd Product to User-Flag #2 and the 3rd Product to User-Flag #3.  Your programs in each Product would call KEYCHK to read the User-Flags and test if they are authorized to run or not.  For example, your programs in the 1st Product would read the User-Flags and test if the User-Flag #1 was set ON.  If so, your programs would continue running normally.  If not, your programs would display a message indicating that the User must purchase Authorization to use that Product.

When a Customer first purchases, you send out a CD-ROM containing all your Products, but the Key that you send only has the User-Flags set for what was purchased.  Later, when the Customer purchases additional Products, all you send is a Renew Code to turn on the appropriate User-Flag(s) in the Key.

Using the above example with 3 Products, let's assume that your Customer initially purchases the 1st and 3rd Products.  You would use KeyBuild to build the Key with the 1st and 3rd User-Flags set ON.  This Key would be sent to the Customer along with a CD-ROM containing all three Products.  The second Product could not be used because it would be checking the User-Flags and "see" that the 2nd User-Flag was not set ON.

Later, when the same Customer decides to buy the 2nd Product, you would use Kecodes to generate a Renew Code that will set the 2nd User-Flag ON.  You could email the code to the Customer who would use the Renew program to update their Key.  Now, all three Products can be used.

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Can updates to a protected Product be placed on a web site for Customers to download?

Yes, there are several ways to create protected downloadable upgrades that only work for your Customers and you never need to send out a new Key.

If you release a FREE upgrade, then you probably want to create a "generic" upgrade that works for every Customer that already possesses a Key for your Product.  In this case, you simply create the upgrade to check for your same unique Key that was required for the old version of your Product.  Once the upgrade is placed on your website, each Customer just downloads and installs the upgrade.  It works immediately because they already have the Key from the old version of your Product.  There is no need to send them a new Key.

If you release a NON-FREE upgrade, there are at least two ways to ensure that every Customer pays for the upgrade. 

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Can EverKey be used to protect data?

EverKey can only be used to protect executable or pseudo-executable files such as EXE or DLL files.  EverKey could be used to protect a proprietary file viewer or run-time engine, but not the data files themselves.

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Questions About EverKey Compatibility

Is EverKey compatible with all major versions of Windows?


EverKey Version 6 supports all 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows XP-SP2 thru Windows 8.1, including Pro and Enterprise Editions. 

Also, Macs running Windows under VMware Fusion 3+ or Parallels 4+ are totally supported. 

Due to it's tiny market share (less than .5% as of July 2014), Windows RT (ARM Tablet) is not supported at this time. 

EverKey Version 2 fully supports all 16-bit and 32-bit versions of Windows from Windows 95 thru Windows XP, including Windows Server Editions.  Most brands of DOS Version 5 and later are also supported. 

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Can my Windows Product be used on a Mac running Windows?


We test programs protected by EverKey with all the current versions of Windows (XP thru 8) running on Macs using OS X up to and including Mavericks (OS X v10.9).  We have been doing this since 2008 (Mac OS X Leopard v10.5) and have not seen any issues since 2009 with:

Both Rockey4 and Rockey4ND Keys are fully supported. 

Rockey4ND Keys do not require any Device Drivers, but for Rockey4 Keys, you will still need to install the Drivers.  You should use Rockey4.exe, which is the newest Driver Setup program, but we have not had any reported issues with the old Setup program, Azsetup.exe.  No matter which Driver Setup program you use, there is no change to the installation procedure when running on the Mac. 

Not only do your protected programs run under Windows on Macs, you can also run the EverKey System programs the same way on your Mac.  KeyBuild.exe, KeyShow.exe and Renew.exe have been tested extensively on Macs running VMware Fusion 5 and later. 

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How do I run Kecodes Version 2 on Windows 7?

Programs protected with EverKey can be used on all Editions of Windows XP-SP2 thru Windows 8.1,. including Pro and Enterprise Editions.  Windows RT (ARM Tablet) is not supported. 

However, the EverKey Version 2 System program that the Developer uses to generate Renew Codes (Kecodes) must run on a 32-bit version of Windows 95 thru Windows XP.  This program is in the process of being rewritten and will be released soon as Version 6, which supports Windows XP-SP2 thru Windows 8.1Kecodes is NEVER sent to your Customer.  It is only used by you, the Developer.

Kecodes can also be used on Windows 7 using Windows XP Mode

The Windows XP Mode of Windows 7 supports most PCs shipped since 2007.  In 2010, Microsoft further expanded support by upgrading the product so that it no longer required a PC with hardware virtualization.  You can ensure the best compatibility by installing Windows 7 Service Pack 1.  For complete documentation of all compatibility issues, please refer to

Windows XP Mode is only supported on the Windows 7 Professional, Ultimate and Enterprise Editions.  It can not be used on Windows 7 Starter, Home Basic and Home Premium.  The good news here is that Microsoft made it very easy to upgrade to the Professional Edition.  According to their website (as of June, 2011), purchasing an "Anytime Upgrade" for $89.95 allows you to upgrade from Home Premium to Professional in as little as 10 minutes. 

Here are the steps to set up Windows XP Mode.  This procedure works with both the 32-bit and 64-bit Editions of Windows 7:

You now can use all EverKey Version 2 programs just like you were using a real Windows XP system! 

Just a couple of things worth mentioning: 

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Does EverKey support the Mac OS X or Linux operating systems?

No, not at the current time.

EverKey Version 6 has been rewritten in a programming framework that supports Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.  A release that supports Mac OS X is planned for 2014.  A Linux release is not planned at this time.

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Does EverKey interfere with hardware plugged into other computer ports?

No interfererence problems have been reported since 2002.

The only known interference problems were reported with Parallel or Serial Port (not USB) Keys using versions of EverKey prior to 2.31. 

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Questions About the Security of EverKey

What stops a Customer from starting the protected Product, then moving the Key to another computer?

You can use the KEYCHK function to check for the presence of your Key as often as you like.  This will make it much more difficult to move the Key while your protected program is running. 

For example, most protected programs call KEYCHK when they are first started.  As the program runs, it might call KEYCHK to verify the presence of your Key every time the User does a "Print" or "Save" function.  Or, some protected programs just call KEYCHK every 5-10 minutes. 

Each time you call KEYCHK, you will be verifying that your Key has not been moved to another computer. 

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What prevents another EverKey User from making Keys for your Product?

In a word, the PIN.  The "Product-ID" and "Encryption-Key" Options used by the KeyBuild program to determine the Product PIN for your protected Product.  And your program must specify this exact Product PIN when performing a KEYCHK function to check for the presence of your Key. 

In order to build a "replacement" Key for your Product, another EverKey User would have to know the Product-ID and Encryption-Key that you used when building your Keys.  Although the Product-ID is easily determined by using the KeyShow program, the Encryption-Key is only stored in your Options file.  This is why both the Product PIN and Encryption-Key should be treated as a company SECRET.

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How do I prevent 2 or more computers from using a Port-Sharing device to "share" a single Key?

It is quite easy to prevent this. 

When your program starts, generate a Random Number, store it in a Static variable and then use KEYCHK Function 3 to store it to a specific offset in your Key's User-Data

Throughout your program's operation, you can use KEYCHK Function 1 to check the Key's User-Data to ensure that the random number is the same. 

If another computer is also running your program during this period, and using the same Key (via a Port-Sharing Device), a different Random Number will have been written to the User-Data

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Questions About EverKey Hardware

Can My Existing Product use the Driverless Rockey4ND Keys?


We have made it extremely easy to start using the driverless Rockey4ND Keys.  The new KeyChk DLL was designed as a "drop-in" replacement for the DLL from Version 2.  It is totally backward compatible, having the same entry point, using the same calling convention and supporting the old SCB layout. 

That means that you can simply swap out the old Kechk32.dll file with the new KeyChk.dll file and immediately start using Rockey4NDs.  No Source Code changes or re-Compiling are necessary. 

To use Rockey4NDs with NO changes to your existing Product programs, rename the KeyChk.dll file to Kechk32.dll and copy it over the existing Kechk32.dll file.  That's it!  Your Product will now work with the driverless Rockey4ND Keys. 

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Can I connect my Rockeys via a USB Hub?

Rockeys can be used on USB Ports and Hubs v1.x thru v3.0. 

However, USB Hubs have become a commodity item and not all are built to quality standards.  On rare occasions the Rockey may not be detected through the Hub due to inadequate output voltage or bad connections. 

To determine if the problem is with the USB Hub, check the Rockey in a USB port that does not use a Hub. 

If the Hub is the problem, sometimes just plugging the Rockey into a different port on the Hub is enough to solve the problem. 

Our experience is that most problems with USB Hubs are related to inadequate power supplied from the computer port.  This problem can almost always be eliminated by connecting an AC Power Adapter directly to the Hub. 

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What is the lifetime of an EverKey Rockey Key?

It mainly depends on how often you update the memory in the Key.  Each bit of the memory in the Rockey can be re-written at least 100,000 times.  Additionally, Rockeys employ "Wear Leveling" which distributes the re-written bits to the "least worn" areas of the memory.  Wear Leveling extends the life of the Rockey and also makes it more reliable throughout its lifetime. 

All access from your protected program to the Rockey memory is done via KEYCHK calls.  To deter "eavesdropping" and "tampering", KEYCHK uses a number of security protocols when "talking" to your Rockeys.  These protocols require a higher number of "write-cycles" to the Rockey's EEPROM than simply accessing an unprotected memory.  We have done extensive testing and found that Rockeys are able to handle between 5,000 and 10,000 KEYCHK updates. 

The following examples will show how to use the above information to predict the lifetime of your Rockeys.  They assume a worst-case senario of the Rockey being able to handle only 5,000 KEYCHK updates.

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Questions About EverKey Error Messages

Why Does KeyShow report a Key Status of Error 6021?

This Error means that the digital signature information in the Rockey Device has been corrupted. 

Fortunately, Error 6021 is very rare.  However, the bad news is that the Rockey needs to be returned to Az-Tech so that it can be reprogrammed to a "blank" state.  (Please contact the Sales Department for an RMA# before returning any Rockeys.)

Error 6021 is caused by one of the following:

The best way to prevent Error 6021 is to provide documentation to your Customer that tells them to exit from your Software before unplugging the Rockey or shutting down the computer. 

If you have actually experienced an Error 6021, here are some things you can do to make sure it never happens again:

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What is Error 6043?

This Error means that the requested Key can not be found.  Check the following items:

  1. Ensure that the Key is FIRMLY plugged into the computer port. 
  2. If you are using a Rockey4, there is a green LED just under the case near the rounded end of the device. 
    • If the LED is not illuminated at all, try plugging the Rockey4 in again or move it to a different USB port.  If it still doesn't light up, the Rockey4 is probably defective and needs to be replaced.  Here's how to request an RMA.
    • If the LED is blinking steadily (not flickering), the Rockey4 Device Drivers have not been installed properly.  Please see the FAQ entry on How to Install the EverKey Device Drivers. 
    • If the LED is solidly illuminated, this means that the Rockey4 Device Drivers have been installed, so there must be something else causing the 6043 Error. 

      As always, try restarting Windows. 

      If you have just installed (or re-installed) the Device Drivers while the Rockey4 was plugged in, the 6043 Error can be fixed just by unplugging and re-inserting the Rockey4. 

      Check to see if there is a "USB Filter Driver" installed.  Some "Entertainment" PCs, such as the HP Pavilion dv7-3000 Notebook might use a "USB Filter Driver" to improve the performance of USB Speakers or a USB TV Tuner.  Unfortunately, some early versions of these drivers interfere with normal USB access for non-Entertainment devices.  Visit the Manufacturer's website to see if there's a newer version of the driver.  The website should also provide instructions how to uninstall the driver so you can see if this is causing the 6043 Error. 

      November 2010 Update
      We've had a report that some versions of the Litescribe CD/DVD System Software interferes with access to USB Rockey4 devices on HP Notebooks.  Also, on an HP Notebook, it's been reported that the HP Wireless Assistant interferes with access to USB Rockey4 devices.  Visit the Manufacturer's website to see if there's a newer version of the software.  The Manufacturer's website should also provide instructions how to uninstall the software so you can see if this is causing the 6043 Error. 

      If none of the above has fixed the 6043 Error, submit an Email Form to Product Support. 

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When using Renew, what is Error 6075?

This Error is caused by:

  1. The Renew Code was entered incorrectly.  Try again.
  2. The incorrect Options File, Serial Number or Renew Use-Count was specified to the Kecodes program when the Renew Code was built.  In this case, the Renew Code needs to be re-built using the correct information. 

    The Developer can can verify that they have all the correct information to build a replacement code by asking the User to run the Renew program and provide the Validation field shown on the Renew screen.  This field should match the Validation field on the KeyBuild Renew Codes panel when re-building the Renew Code. 

  3. An old version of the Renew program is being used and the code was built with a new version of the Kecodes program.  To correct this problem, just email or send the latest version of the Renew program to the Customer and try the code again.
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What is Renew Error 6076?

This Error is reported because the Renew Code is more than 7 days old. 

When Renew Codes are built by the KeyBuild program, the Developer specifies if the codes will expire.  If they are set to expire, the Renew Codes must be used within 7 days from the time they are built. 

Expired Renew Codes are easily replaced by using KeyBuild to build a replacement code.  Be sure to use the same Options file and Serial Number that was used to build the User's Key. 

The Developer can can verify that they have all the correct information to build a replacement code by asking the User to run the Renew program and provide the Validation field shown on the Renew screen.  This field should match the Validation field on the KeyBuild Renew Codes panel when re-building the Renew Code. 

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